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Strength and Conditioning: It’s Not Just For Athletes

For the performance specialists at the Summit Orthopedics HealthEast Sports Center, the focus is on helping you reach the health goals that enable you to live the life of your dreams.

The indoor field and hockey rink at Summit Orthopedics’ HealthEast Sports Center may be designed for athletic competition, but Summit knows that athletes aren’t alone in benefiting from strength and conditioning training. Our performance specialists focus on the individual. Whether you are an athlete, want the agility to play with your grandchildren, or need better posture at your desk job, we’ll design a strength and conditioning program just for you.

At HealthEast Sports Center, performance specialist Jeff Cassellius works with clients as young as nine years of age. “By the time a child is nine years old, evidence shows that it’s safe to work on strength and begin weight training,” says Jeff. “And there is no upper age limit; everyone nine years old and older can benefit from the tailored services we offer.”

Strength and conditioning programs focus on injury prevention. Our performance specialists want to keep you out of our Summit clinics and safely engrossed in the activities you love. We prevent injury from happening when we can by improving strength and flexibility, and by enforcing proper movement patterns.

Performance specialists are passionate about improving health—even in little ways. The benefits are far-reaching. Summit’s programs can help with aches and pains—and they can improve attitude by having a positive effect on mental health. These specialists are in this field because they love it, and want others to be healthy and to share the enthusiasm that they feel.

“We work with anyone and everyone to meet their goals,” Jeff confirms. “Whether your goal is weight loss, gaining strength, or improving your flexibility, there are a ton of different things that we can do to help, and we will always design a plan specifically for you, that reflects your goals and values. We are invested in making our community healthier—one client at a time.”

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