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| Patient Story

Jennifer’s Story

Thank you Summit and Dr. Santos for listening to me and taking me seriously when I described my pain!

In 2002, after a complicated labor of my first son I ended up with a bulging disc which got worse and worse through my second pregnancy and then after. I did all the conventional therapies suggested by my general practitioner, l saw several “specialists” through another spine clinic, and went to PT. I would have periods of time where my back felt okay.

In 2017, I had daily pain making my job and life in general very difficult. I always was thinking about and handling my back pain. I went into Summit and saw Dr. Santos. He was surprised that by the extent of my injury, an injection had never been mentioned for me. Since then I’ve had two injections and it has made a world of difference in my life.

For my job as a teacher I have to be down on the floor, sitting in small chairs, and am very active each and every day. I am able to do these activities now without the excruciating pain that I felt before. Most importantly, after work I’m able to have a life again whereas before I would often come home and ice or hot pack my back and fall asleep early to recover.

Thank you Summit and Dr. Santos for listening to me and taking me seriously when I described my pain!
