Pre-op Call
You should be receiving a call within the next 2 days from a surgical center nurse regarding your arrival time for surgery. During this call, you will want to discuss any medication, metal or latex allergies with the nurse. If you do not receive this call, please contact your surgical facility.
- Do not shave for 48 hours prior to surgery.
- Shower with antibacterial soap.
- No lotion to surgical site/limb.
Please also watch these videos as you prepare for your surgery.
- Pain Management: https://youtu.be/CTzhg9Cum6U
- TED Socks: https://youtube.com/shorts/UQYKaHqpP0E?feature=share
- Anesthesia Side Effects https://youtu.be/N0D-utQDmUA
- Exparel Block https://youtu.be/4iGhSWhhEe8