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Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection Therapy

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If you have arthritis in your knee, platelet rich plasma therapy may help. It uses parts of your own blood to help your body heal itself. PRP can help your knee feel better and work better. The process begins with a sample of your blood. It is spun around in a centrifuge. This separates it into platelets, plasma, and red and white blood cells. The platelets are then concentrated and mixed with some of the plasma. This mixture is called “platelet rich plasma.”

The doctor injects this into your damaged tissues. Your immune system (the system that keeps your body healthy) reacts quickly. Special white blood cells called “macrophages” rush in. They take away damaged cells. They help prep the site for healing. Then, stem cells and other cells begin to multiply. Over time, they repair and rebuild damaged tissues. After the injection, you can go home. You may need to come back for more injections as you heal.

What is platelet-rich plasma?

PRP is obtained by drawing blood, concentrating it in a centrifuge machine, and collecting the concentrated platelets. PRP contains a variety of growth factors and signaling agents, along with other natural substances that decrease inflammation and help repair damaged tissue.

What is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection therapy?

An injection procedure used to treat injuries or osteoarthritis using the patient’s own blood to rebuild damaged tissue.

How long does the procedure take?

The blood draw takes 5 to 10 minutes, with additional time to concentrate the platelets. PRP is then reinjected into the affected area of the body on the same day. The injection is typically performed under image guidance, and in most cases the entire process lasts about 30 to 60 minutes. The most common orthopedic applications are joint pain, chronic tendon and ligament conditions, and other soft tissue injuries.

How many times will I need to have this injection?

Some patients will only need one injection, some patients may require up to three injections before seeing results.

What are the expected results?

The goal of PRP therapy is pain relief and improved function.

Will I need physical therapy?

Most patients are highly recommended to go to physical therapy starting about 2 weeks after their injection. A specific orchestrated therapy program specifically designed to complement your injection will be described and given to your partnering physical therapist.

Will my insurance cover it?

PRP injections are currently deemed “investigational/experimental” by insurance plans and therefore are not covered.  For this reason, Summit’s business office does not submit PRP injection charges to insurance companies; these services are available on a self-pay basis.

What are the costs?

A Patient Financial Services Representative can discuss costs related to the injection with you in detail. You can reach them by phone at (651) 968–5090.

What follow up visits will I need?

You will need one or two follow up visits. These visits will be billed to insurance, however, your insurance may not cover the follow up visit. Please check with your insurance plan for coverage details.

What are the next steps?

After you schedule your PRP injection, someone from Patient Financial Services will reach out to you to arrange payment. Once that is received you will have your injection then be on your way for healing!
